Net Price Calculator

As you explore your college choices, you will be making a significant investment in your college education, and this calculator is intended to assist you in planning for that investment. While admission to Loyola Marymount University is selective, every application receives careful consideration, and all first-time students are automatically considered for merit-based scholarships. We value your interest in us and hope you are excited by the future a partnership with LMU holds.

By using our Net Price Calculator (NPC), you will receive an estimate of the total grant/gift assistance you might receive if admitted to the University. These include: 

  • Need-based federal and state grants
  • Institutional need-based grants
  • Merit-based scholarships
  • Federal loans or work awards

How the Net Price Calculator Works

Loyola Marymount University’s Net Price Calculator is designed to provide first-year, full-time undergraduate students an estimate of the net cost (estimated full cost minus anticipated grants and scholarships from all sources) for the 2024-2025 academic year.  Loyola Marymount University and the Secretary of the U.S. Department of Education does not, and cannot, guarantee that any actual awards made to you will match the results generated by this calculator. Completion of the Net Price Calculator is not an official application for financial aid and is not a substitute for applying for financial aid. Start the Calculator.

The student must complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) in order to be eligible for, and receive, an actual financial aid award that includes Federal grant, loan, or work-study assistance.  Access to the Free Application for Federal Student Aid can be found at

Net Price Calculator Results

The results provided by the Net Price Calculator may not reflect the actual financial aid you could be eligible to receive if formally admitted to LMU. The estimated award is only as accurate as the information you provide and may change based on your FAFSA.

LMU Financial Aid is committed to providing the most comprehensive assistance to families and prospective students interested in attending LMU. Below are valuable resources to help you plan for your future.