Summer 2025

Students interested in receiving federal loans for the summer term must complete and submit a Summer Financial Aid application by the published deadline and the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) for the current school year by the priority deadline of April 16, 2024. 

Non-LMU students who wish to receive summer aid from their home institution must apply through their home school and submit a Consortium Agreement to LMU Financial Aid. 

LMU considers the summer term the end of the academic year. Therefore, the loan eligibility of each student is based on each student's remaining annual federal direct loan limits. Students who received the maximum Federal Direct Unsubsidized Loan for the Fall and Spring terms may only be eligible for a Federal Direct Graduate PLUS loan for the summer term. Federal Direct Graduate PLUS loans are subject to credit approval. 

Please review the information below on the types of awards and the requirements needed to receive them for the Summer 2025 enrollment. Additional enrollment rules can be found in our website's Policies and Procedures section. 

  • Students interested in receiving Summer Financial Aid should submit the following:

    The 2024-2025 FAFSA will no longer be available after June 30, 2025, so be sure to complete it well before this date. You will need an FSA ID to electronically sign your form

  • Federal Direct Unsubsidized Loan

    To be eligible for a Federal Direct Loan, you must be an active degree-seeking student at Loyola Law School for the 2023-2024 academic year.

    • Annual maximum up to $20,500.
    • Students incur the interest while in school but are not required to make payments until six months after graduating or dropping below half-time status.
    • The interest rate is fixed at 7.05%.
    • The mandatory federal origination fee is 1.057% (deducted from loan proceeds). 

    Federal Direct Graduate PLUS Loan

    Law students may apply to borrow a Federal Direct Graduate PLUS Loan to cover summer charges if they are eligible degree-seeking Law students who have completed a 2024-2025 FAFSA, plan to enroll at least half-time, and meet the credit requirements.

    After you submit all required application materials and upon notification of credit approval and the completion of a promissory note, we will add the loan to your summer Financial Aid award.

    • The maximum loan amount is the Summer Cost of Attendance (COA) minus any other financial aid received.
    • The interest rate is fixed at 8.05%.
    • The mandatory federal origination fee is 4.228% (deducted from loan proceeds). 
    • Loan incurs interest while in school but is not required to make payments until six months after graduating or dropping below half-time status.
    • Credit history is a major factor in being approved for this loan. To qualify for a PLUS Loan, you cannot have an adverse credit history.  Credit history is a summary of your financial strength, including your history of paying bills and your ability to repay future loans.  Your credit history may be considered adverse if you are experiencing any of the following credit conditions: 
      • Bankruptcy discharge within the past five years.
      • Voluntary surrender of personal property to avoid repossession within the last five years.
      • Repossession of collateral within the last five years.
      • Foreclosure proceedings started.
      • Foreclosure within the last five years.
      • Conveying your real property that is subject to a mortgage (by deed) to your lender to avoid foreclosure (deed in lieu of foreclosure).
      • Accounts currently 90 days or more delinquent.
      • Unpaid collection accounts.
      • Charge-offs/write-offs of federal student loans.
      • Wage garnishment within the last five years.
      • Defaulting on a loan, even if the claim has been paid.
      • Lease or contract terminated by default.
      • County/state/federal tax lien within the past five years.
    • Credit history is a major factor in being approved for this loan. Thus, we strongly recommend that you obtain credit reports by contacting:

    Federal Work-Study During Summer Break

    Federal Work-Study and Institutional Work are available to upper-division students. Students can earn up to $3,500 through Federal Work-Study. Funds are awarded to students with financial need who: 

    • Intend to enroll at least half-time for the Fall 2025 semester
    • Meet all general eligibility requirements for financial aid, including Satisfactory Academic Progress
    • Complete the FAFSA for both 2024-2025 and 2025-2026.
    • Demonstrate financial need for both academic years.
    • Submit a Summer Financial Aid Application or Work Study Application. 

    Employment through these programs is restricted to on-campus jobs during the academic year. Opportunities may involve working as a research assistant to faculty members, assisting in the Law Library, or assisting in one of the Law School's administrative offices.

    A listing of available on-campus positions will be included with the work-study contract from Loyola Law School. A work-study contract does not guarantee a job, because many students are competing for a limited number of approved positions.

    Please note for students not enrolled in summer courses. Summer FWS awards used during a period of non-enrollment are considered part of the student's financial aid award package for the following academic year (Fall 2025 /Spring 2026). This means a student's eligibility for other aid will likely be reduced due to the receipt of Summer FWS funds. The federal government requires that summer FWS earnings—minus any employment-related expenses—be considered when determining your financial aid eligibility for the following academic year. 

    Alternative (Private) Loans

    If your maximum Federal Direct Loan and/or PLUS loan amount(s) do not meet all of your educational expenses, you may apply for an Alternative Loan. Students must have a good credit history and a co-borrower may be required.

    Please visit our website here for additional information and application instructions. We encourage you to maximize all federal loan opportunities before seeking an alternative loan.

  • The Estimated Cost of Attendance (COA) is an estimate of your educational expenses for a given enrollment period. It is the cornerstone of establishing your financial need and limits the total aid you may receive. The COA includes direct and indirect costs, such as tuition and fees, books and supplies, room and board, transportation, and personal expenses. 

    *Tuition fees vary by program of study and unit enrollment. 

    The cost of Attendance for Summer 2025 is pending. The figures below reflect Summer 2024 to serve as guidance. 


    9-week Summer session

    Off-Campus Living with parents/relatives

    *Tuition $2,410 per unit, based on 4-unit enrollment

    $9,640 $9,640
    Housing and Food $7,346 $3,918
    Parking and Transportation $888 $888
    Books and Supplies $489 $489
    Personal and Misc.    $1,988   $1,988
    Estimated Loan Fees   $679   $679
    Total Estimated Costs $21,030 $17,602



    9-week Summer session

    Off-Campus Living with parents/relatives

    *Tuition $2,220 per unit, based on 4-unit enrollment

    $8,880 $8,880
    Housing and Food $7,346 $3,918
    Parking and Transportation $888 $888
    Books and Supplies $489 $489
    Personal and Misc.   $1,988   $1,988
    Estimated Loan Fees   $679   $679
    Total Estimated Costs $20,270 $16,842


     Income Tax Intensive (ITI) alone or combined with Business Taxation Intensive (BTI)

    13-week Summer session

    Off-Campus Living with parents/relatives

    *Tuition $2,220 per unit, based on 6-unit enrollment

    $13,320 $13,320
    Housing and Food $10,812 $5,942
    Parking and Transportation $1,283 $1,283
    Books and Supplies $707 $707
    Personal and Misc.    $2,871   $2,871
    Estimated Loan Fees   $679   $679
    Total Estimated Costs $29,672 $24,802


     Business Tax Intensive (BTI) not combined with Income Taxation Intensive (ITI)

    11 week Summer session

    Off-Campus Living with parents/relatives

    *Tuition $2,220 per unit, based on 6-unit enrollment

    $13,320 $13,320
    Housing and Food $9,149 $5,028
    Parking and Transportation $1,085 $1,085
    Books and Supplies $598 $598
    Personal and Misc.    $2,429   $2,429
    Estimated Loan Fees   $679   $679
    Total Estimated Costs $27,260 $23,139


    Tax LLM and MT (online)

    6-week Session (Term A or B)

    Off-Campus Living with parents/relatives

    *Tuition $2,220 per unit, based on 2-unit enrollment

    $4,440 $4,440
    Technology fee $15 per unit $30 $30
    Housing and Food $4,898 $2,612
    Parking and Transportation $592 $592
    Books and Supplies $326 $326
    Personal and Misc.   $1,325   $1,325
    Estimated Loan Fees   $679   $679
    Total Estimated Costs $12,290 $10,004



    12-week session (Term A & B combined)

    Off-Campus Living with parents/relatives

    *Tuition $2,220 per unit, based on 4-unit enrollment

    $8,880 $8,880
    Technology fee $15 per unit $60 $60
    Housing and Food $10,812 $5,942
    Parking and Transportation $1,283 $1,283
    Books and Supplies $707 $707
    Personal and Misc.   $2,871   $2,871
    Estimated Loan Fees   $679   $679
    Total Estimated Costs $25,292 $20,422

    Program  Dates
    Regular Session  May 19- July 17
    Income Taxation Intensive (ITI) May 19 - July 17
    Business Taxation Intensive (BTI) June 2 - July 26
    Online Tax Programs Term A May 19 - June 27
    Online Tax Programs Term B June 30  - August 8

    Important Deadlines

    • The last day to complete the FAFSA for the 2024-2025 academic year is June 30, 2025. The FAFSA will no longer be available after this date.
    • The Summer Financial Aid Application priority deadline is April 16, 2025.
    • The Summer Financial Aid Application deadline is May 10, 2025.
    • Summer Payment deadline May 30, 2025.
  • LMU Financial Aid will begin processing Summer Financial Aid awards in late March. You will receive a summer award notification via your LLS email account. Your financial aid award will be available to view myLMU. Please review the checklist below to ensure your financial aid is available before summer courses begin.

    Students are required to accept or decline all summer awards, including work awards. 

    Award Checklist

    1. Accept or decline your loans via myLMU
    2. First-time borrowers must complete the Master Promissory Note (MPN) and Entrance Counseling at
  • Cancellations and Withdrawals

    The policies for adding and dropping courses during the summer term are more stringent than the Fall and Spring terms because the summer term consists of several mini-sessions within ONE term. Dropping below half-time or dropping courses may result in a balance due to the university, which is the student's responsibility to pay.

    Please be aware of the withdrawal policies before you enroll in summer courses. If you receive financial aid and subsequently cancel or withdraw from the University, LMU may be required to return all or a portion of the aid you received. The actual returned amount will be based on published schedules and the date you officially withdrew or canceled your registration. If you cancel or withdraw, notify LMU Financial Aid immediately.

    Summer Session Withdrawal Policy              

    The summer term consists of several sessions that combined make up the summer term. If a student withdraws, officially or unofficially, from a summer session and is NOT attending any other sessions at the time of the withdrawal, the student is considered withdrawn and a repayment calculation will be completed. 

    How a Withdrawal Affects Financial Aid

    When a student withdraws from all courses, regardless of the reason, the student may no longer be eligible for the full amount of Title IV funds originally awarded. This is called Return to Title IV (R2T4). The return of funds to the Department of Education is based on the premise that a student earns financial aid in proportion to the length of time during which the student remains enrolled. A pro-rated schedule determines the amount of federal student aid funds the student earned at the time of their withdrawal. For example, a student who withdraws in the first week of the semester has earned less of their financial aid than a student who withdraws in the fourth week. Once the 60% point in the semester is reached, a student is considered to have earned all of the financial aid originally awarded and will not be required to return any funds.

    Federal regulations require a recalculation of financial aid eligibility if a student:

    • Completely withdraws;
    • Stops attending before the semester ends;
    • Does not complete all summer sessions in which they were enrolled
    • Or having all F's for the term

    Students who do not begin attendance in classes are not eligible for federal financial aid and must repay all aid originally received.

    NOTE: The Law School's institutional tuition refund policy is separate from federal regulations to return unearned aid.

    Once the 49% point in the semester is reached, a student is considered to have earned all of the financial aid originally awarded and will not be required to return any funds. Below are the 49% points for each summer term. 

    Summer  49% of term
    General Session (May 20-July 18) June 28, 2025
    Income Tax Intensive (May 20-July 18) June 29, 2025
    Business Taxation Intensive  (June 3-July 28) July 15, 2025
    On-Line Session I  (May 20-Jun 28) June 9, 2025
    On-Line Session II (July 1-Aug 9) July 21, 2025
    On-Line Session I & II combined (May 20-Aug 9) July 4, 2025


    Institutional Refund Policy for Withdrawal/Leave of Absence

    The university refund policy for tuition and fees is separate from the federal return of title iv fund policy. The table below illustrates the percentage of tuition a student would receive by the date of withdrawal. 


    LLS Summer 2025 Tuition Liability/Refund Policy – General Session

    Date Refund of tuition
    May 20 – May 26 90%
    May 27– June 1 80%
    June 2  – June 9 70%
    June 10– June 16 60%
    June 17 – June 23 50%
    June 24 and after 0%


    Summer 2024 Tuition Liability/Refund Policy - Intensive Taxation Intensive

    Date of Withdrawal Refund of tuition
    May 20-May 22 80%
    May 23-May 28 70%
    May 29-June 3 60%
    June 4-June 10 50%
    June 11-June 17 40%
    June 18 and after  0%


    Summer 2025 Tuition Liability/Refund Policy - Business Taxation Intensive

    Date of Withdrawal Refund of tuition
    June 3- June 5 80%
    June 6 - June 8 70%
    June 9 - June 11 60%
    June 12 - June 14 50%
    June 15 - June 17 40%
    June 18 and after 0%


    Summer 2025 Tuition Liability/Refund Policy - Online Program Term A

    Date of Withdrawal Refund of tuition
    May 20-May 26 75%
    May 27-June 2 50%
    June 3 - June 9 25%
    June 10 and after  0%


    Summer 2025 Tuition Liability/Refund Policy - Online Program Term B

    Date of Withdrawal Refund of tuition
    July 1-July 7 75%
    July 8-July 14 50%
    July 15-July 21 25%
    July 22 and after  0%
  • Students wishing to apply for summer financial aid must complete a Summer Financial Aid Application. 

    • Coming Soon