Maintaining Satisfactory Academic Progress for Undergraduate and Post Baccalaureate

To be eligible for federal, state, and University financial aid programs, including the LMU Achievement Award and Verto Scholar, students are required to make satisfactory academic progress. These standards are separate and distinct from the University’s Academic Degree Requirements and Policies as stated in the University Bulletin,.

These guidelines are in accordance with those required by federal regulations for recipients of federal grants, work, and loan programs, including the Federal Direct Parent (PLUS) Loan. These standards also apply to state aid or state-funded financial aid programs in accordance with the State of California.

Recipients of LMU tuition benefits who are not receiving any other federal, state, or University funds are not bound by these guidelines.

Undergraduate students must:

  • Maintain a minimum semester and cumulative grade point average of 2.00
  • Full-time enrollment requires completion of 67% of attempted cumulative units. 
  • Not exceed the maximum timeframe to complete an undergraduate degree, 150% of the required units (120) = 180 units.

State Required Credential or Post-Baccalaureate Programs

  • Maintain an LMU term and cumulative grade point average of at least 3.0
  • Students enrolled full-time (12+ units) must complete a minimum of 67% of their cumulative units.
  • Not exceed the 150% of the maximum timeframe to complete a credential program (five years)
  • Pre-med post-baccalaureate students must maintain a grade point average of at least 3.2 

Note: Recipients of Merit scholarships, except for the LMU Achievement Award, are required to maintain the minimum grade point average and other responsibilities listed at

Please note:  LMU Financial Aid is required to report incidents of sexual or interpersonal misconduct disclosed through this form to the Department of Public Safety. If you have experienced any form of sexual or interpersonal misconduct and would like to speak confidentially with a counselor, please visit the LMU Cares site for more information on confidential counseling resources.

  • Grades of F, NC, AU, and W do not count in calculating the minimum grade point average. 'NC' grades will be counted as units that were attempted and not completed when determining the percentage of coursework completed.  Grades of I (Incomplete) or IP temporarily will not be counted until the final grade is posted. Students must comply with the requirements to convert an incomplete to a permanent grade according to the requirements in the University Bulletin. Students who do not receive a passing grade in any coursework, i.e., all F’s or a combination of F’s and W’s may be required to return all or a portion of their financial aid if it is determined that the student stopped attending without notifying the University.  

    Official documentation will be requested to determine when the student last participated in an academically related activity and financial aid will be returned according to federal, state, and institutional policies. This may result in the student owing a balance to the University. See Leave of Absence and Withdrawal.

  • Students who withdraw from all coursework or take a leave of absence before the start of a term and later enroll in a subsequent term retain the SAP status held during their last term of enrollment.

  • Transfer students are evaluated based on the number of units accepted at admission to determine their maximum time frame to receive financial aid.

  • A student who receives federal financial aid (Title IV funds) must follow Repeat Coursework rules in order to be considered as meeting enrollment requirements for financial aid eligibility and satisfactory academic progress. The federal regulations are listed below:

    • A student may repeat a previously passed course once.
    • A student may repeat a failed course until the student passes the course.
    • A student who passes a course but does not meet the grade requirement established by the college or school, may only repeat the course one time.
    • A student who earns a passing grade in a course and chooses to retake the course a second time earning a grade of “F” or “W” may not take the course a third time.
    • A student may repeat a course as an independent study, special topics, film genre, etc., as long as the subject matter is different for each course and the institution awards new credit each time.
  • Students must complete their degree within 150% of the published credit hours required to graduate. For example, an undergraduate student in a program requiring 120 units to complete must meet all graduation requirements by 180 units or six years.

    Important: The maximum time-frame to complete degree requirements does not override institutional, federal, or state financial aid programs that have a maximum period of eligibility. For example, LMU-funded aid programs and the Cal Grant are available for a maximum of eight semesters.

    Students should refer to the Academic Degree Requirements and Policies section of the University Bulletin for information on the recommended course load required to complete their degree requirements in eight semesters (4 years) and regularly review CAPP (Curriculum, Advising and Program Planning), the LMU online degree auditing system.

  • All students who have received financial aid are reviewed for satisfactory academic progress at the end of each term of enrollment. Continuing Undergraduates who apply for financial aid for the first time must have demonstrated earlier progress to receive financial aid. Students enrolled for the summer are reviewed after the end of the second summer session.

  • Students failing to meet these requirements for the first time receive a “SAP Warning” Notice. Students are eligible for financial aid for their next term of enrollment while on Warning status.

  • First SAP Appeal

    If the student does not meet the minimum requirements after being placed in "SAP Warning" status, their next term of enrollment they are not eligible to receive financial aid. To regain eligibility, students must enroll and meet satisfactory academic progress standards or receive an approved SAP appeal. Students may submit a Satisfactory Academic Progress Appeal Form to LMU Financial Aid. This appeal must detail why the student could not meet minimum satisfactory academic progress requirements and the steps being taken to meet the minimum requirements and regain eligibility. A SAP appeal requires submitting an academic plan prepared with their academic advisor. Based on the type of appeal, other documentation may be required, such as documentation from Student Affairs regarding psychological counseling or drug treatment completed or ongoing. 

    SAP appeals and appropriate documents should be submitted to LMU Financial Aid 30 days prior to the start of the term but no later than 30 days before the end of the term for which you are trying to establish eligibility.

    Processing of a complete SAP appeal takes between 5–7 business days. Students are notified of a SAP appeal decision via letter.

    If the appeal is approved the student is placed on Financial Aid Probation for one term. Students who cannot meet the minimum requirements within one term should submit an academic plan prepared with their academic advisor that outlines what must be completed each term to allow the student to meet the minimum requirements and complete their program within the maximum timeframe.


    Second SAP Appeal

    If the student does not meet the minimum requirements after being placed on SAP Probation the first time, their next term of enrollment they are not eligible to receive financial aid.  To regain eligibility, students must enroll and either meet the minimum
    satisfactory academic progress standards or submit a Second (and Final) SAP appeal.  This appeal must detail why the student could not meet minimum satisfactory academic progress requirements or the academic plan that was prepared with first SAP appeal. The appeal should be new and different from the first SAP Appeal.

    If the appeal is approved the student is placed on Second Financial Aid Probation for one term. Students who cannot meet the minimum requirements within one term should submit an academic plan prepared with their academic advisor that outlines what must be completed each term to allow the student to meet the minimum requirements and complete their program within the maximum timeframe.


    Final SAP Denial

    If after a student does not meet the minimum SAP requirements or the academic plan during a second period of financial aid program the student is denied financial aid. If the student is allowed to continue to enroll, the student must meet the minimum SAP requirements or complete the academic plan prepared for their advisor ( one term or multiple terms) before they can request to be reinstated to receive financial aid.

  • All students academically disqualified from the University and subsequently readmitted must complete a Financial Aid Satisfactory Academic Progress Appeal to apply for financial aid.