Enrollment Requirements

Required Undergraduate Enrollment

Any undergraduate student enrolled in 12 or more semester hours during the Fall or Spring semester or 12 or more semester hours in the combined Summer I and II Sessions is considered a full-time student. Students enrolled in fewer than 12 semester hours are classified as part-time students for financial aid.  Note: if a student is enrolled in 12 or more semester hours at the end of the 100% withdraw percentage period (the university's add/drop deadline) for the Fall or Spring semesters, and the student later drops below full-time enrollment but remains in at least one unit, the student will be charged the university's full-time rate and the student's financial aid will not be reduced.

Full–time enrollment (12+ units) is required to receive:

  • LMU Grants
  • Trustee Scholarships 
  • Trustee Room and Board Scholarships
  • Presidential Scholarships
  • Jesuit and Marymount High School Scholarships
  • Jesuit Community Scholarships
  • Leadership Scholarships
  • Need-Based Scholarships
  • LMU Achievement Awards
  • Arrupe Scholarships
  • Early Action Awards
  • Early Decision Scholarships
  • LMU Awards
  • LMU Transfer Merit Scholarships
  • LMU Verto Scholars
  • LMU Pathways Scholarships
  • LMU Precollege Participation Awards
  • LMU Phi Theta Kappa Awards
  • Xavier Scholarships
  • Loyola High School Scholarships
  • Leavey Family Foundation Scholarships
  • University Hill Foundation Scholarships
  • LMU Global Scholarships
  • LMU California Student Loans
  • LMU Burns Student Loans
  • Ignatius Grant

Students can receive the following awards when enrolled three-quarter time (9-11 units) or half-time (6-8 units):

  • Athletic Awards (with athletic department approval) 
  • Federal Pell Grant (the amount is prorated based on enrollment) 
  • Federal Educational Supplemental Opportunity Grant (FSEOG) 
  • Federal Direct Subsidized and/or Unsubsidized Loans
  • Federal Work-Study
  • LMU Work
  • Cal Grants (amount prorated based on enrollment)

Required Graduate Enrollment

A graduate student is considered full-time when carrying 6 or more semester hours in 600, 5000, 6000, and 7000 numbered graduate-level courses.  For those graduate programs which require enrollment over 6 units per semester, financial aid will consider the required enrollment of your program when determining whether a student is making satisfactory academic progress to receive financial aid.   

Graduate students may be considered for institutional aid as full-time or part-time enrollment.   Eligibility for federal and state programs requires at least half-time enrollment.

Disability Support Services (DSS) Part-Time Enrollment Accommodation

LMU Financial Aid grants accommodation to students under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) based on referrals from LMU’s Disability Support Services Office (DSS) who are approved by LMU DSS to enroll in less than 12 units.

Enrollment Requirements for Institutional Aid

Students who enroll part-time, and are approved by LMU Disability Support Services to enroll in less than 12 units, are eligible to receive prorated institutional aid that normally requires full-time enrollment, based on their enrollment status. For example, if a student enrolls half-time, institutional aid would be prorated to 50% as long as the student meets all other eligibility requirements.

This accommodation does not apply to federal and state aid programs and part-time enrollment may reduce or cancel some types of federal or state aid eligibility.

For more information regarding LMU Disability Support Services and the process to have a referral submitted to LMU Financial Aid, visit their website

Repeat Coursework

A student who receives federal financial aid (Title IV funds) must follow Repeat Coursework rules in order to be considered as meeting enrollment requirements for financial aid eligibility and satisfactory academic progress. The federal regulations are listed below:

  • A student may repeat a previously passed course once.
  • A student may repeat a failed course until the student passes the course.
  • A student, who passes a course but does not meet the grade requirement established by the college or school, may only repeat the course one time.
  • A student who earns a passing grade in a course and chooses to retake the course a second time earning a grade of “F” or “W” may not take the course a third time.
  • A student may repeat a course as an independent study, special topics, film genre, etc., as long as the subject matter is different for each course and the institution awards new credit each time.